Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bonus: Random book on a random day! August 3rd "Lolita"

     Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" is one of my favorite books of alllllll time. Despite the controversy surrounding it (implications and direct statements of pedophiliac behaviors), it is a wonderful, creative, and uniquely written book with some of the most beautiful English language ever created.
"I had only wanted to see where she was, I could not swim with my heart in that state, but who cared---and there she was, and there was I, in my robe---and so I stopped calling; but suddenly something in the pattern of her motions, as she dashed this way and that in her Aztec red bathing briefs and bra, struck me...there was an ecstasy, a madness about her frolics that was too much of a glad thing. Even the dog seemed puzzled by the extravagance of her reactions."

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